RyanCat May – first cat sent out into the universe

Fiona’s ancestor – RyanCat May was to be the first cat sent out into the universe. Namely, NASA planned the construction of a spaceship that would go into space and return to it more than once. It is common knowledge that every ship – whether it’s sailing on water or in space – should have a crew, mice, and of course a cat to hunt mice.

RyanCat entered into the lowest choice and was in a team that had been preparing for space missions for months. However, he did not fly with Columbia’s first shuttle (1981), because NASA failed to recruit enough brave astronauts, which made RyanCat’s mission unnecessary.

The few witnesses testify that this member of the May line was seen spending countless nights after being expelled from the Space Shuttle program looking up into the sky and sadly meowing.

From the family line of Fiona May